
MySQL ubuntu

How To Install MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04

we will be using the terminal to install MySQL

  • open a terminal

  • sudo apt update

Command to install MySQL

sudo apt install mysql-server

Install the mysql-server package

  • past code into terminal
sudo apt install mysql-server

Ensure that MySQL is runing

  • past code into terminal

  • can allso stop or restart mysql by changeing the start command

sudo systemctl start mysql.service

Configuring MySQL

  • First open up the MySQL prompt

  • to do this past command into terminal

sudo mysql

Password configuration

  • now that you are in the MySQL prompt you will need to set a password for the root user

  • copy and past the following command into the MySQL prompt
  • change password with the password you dislike
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';

Now save the changes

  • after you close the session the password will be set

  • close by pasting the following command into the MySQL prompt


Now to login to MySQL

  • past the following command into the terminal

  • place your password after asked

mysql -u root -p


  • if you want a gui to interact with mysql you can use mysql workbench

  • past the following command into the terminal

sudo docker exec tailscaled tailscale up --authkey=<AUTH KEY FROM tailscale>

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