Github ssh
sudo su ssh-keygen cd /root/.ssh chmod 600 ~/.ssh/ ssh-add eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" git remote -v ssh-add ssh -T ssh -vT ...
sudo su ssh-keygen cd /root/.ssh chmod 600 ~/.ssh/ ssh-add eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" git remote -v ssh-add ssh -T ssh -vT ...
Install Gitea on ubuntu 24.04 this instalation will be with a myslql lite database first update the system apt update && apt install git -y Download gitea use this link...
Tailscale Docker Cheat Sheet Setting up a Tailscale Docker container mkdir tailscale cd tailscale mkdir root Here is the dockerfile FROM alpine:3.15 RUN \ apk add --no-cache \ bi...
How To Install MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04 we will be using the terminal to install MySQL open a terminal sudo apt update Command to install MySQL sudo apt install mysql-server ...
Windows Cheat Sheet Habilita Windows Sand-Box abri powershell como administrador colar e copiar o codigo reniciar o computador Enable Windows SAND BOX with (powershell) Enable-Windows...